Sunday School
Sunday School is available for children ages 3 (“beginners”) through grade 8. Currently all Sunday School is run during the same hours as our church service, with children being dropped off at their respective locations before the start of service at 10:00 AM.
JK to Grade 6 participate in our new Station Rotation curriculum, where they are broken into crews by age and each week get to visit an interactive station to learn about the Bible concept for that Unit. Each Unit is four weeks in length, and they rotate over those four weeks to four different stations including Art, Science, Cooking, and Games. Our Station Masters prepare age appropriate lessons that are highly interactive and also take some time to dive into their Bibles and explore God’s Word. Every week begins with a large Group Greet session where all JK to Grade 6 kids will join together for praise and worship time before breaking out into their stations. For our Grade 7 and 8 age group, they have a customized curriculum taught in a classroom, as well as opportunities to sit in service to hear the sermon, and then break out following the sermon to meet as a group with their teacher for sermon discussion.